Ceramic and Porcelain


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NeverStrip offers a variety of floor care products to help improve the appearance of flooring, maintain flooring, and revitalize flooring. Our floor care products are top-notch, used by professional flooring companies across the United States and Canada to help their customers achieve show-stopping results and have beautiful flooring. Learn more about how our exceptional floor care products help keep porcelain floors clean below, and contact us today!

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When it comes to your flooring, you want it to shine. After all, a shiny floor can give everyone who sees it a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. In addition, it oozes the feeling of clean, which we all love. NeverStrip offers amazing floor care products and floor finish coatings that you'll not only love, but that get results. Our 21st century floor care products promise to restore flooring to a beautiful condition. Learn about how NeverStrip Tile Seal can get rid of epoxy haze below, and contact us today!

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NeverStrip offers the best floor finish coatings for many different types of flooring, including concrete, tile, stone, vinyl, ceramic, porcelain, and more. Our floor care products offer leading technology to not only enrich the look of your flooring and restore it, but it also adds beauty, value, and safety. Learn how our flooring products saved the day for an indoor pool deck, and see all of our best floor coatings online today.

Resilient Micron Floor Sealer

NeverStrip Floor Coatings manufactures floor sealers with a difference. Our sealers are used in all sorts of different environments — from commercial and industrial spaces to residential homes. Our products are designed to lower long-term floor care costs, enhance your floors’ appearance, and also often to improve floor traction. Read on to learn more about the NeverStrip difference, or contact us today to get a free quote on new floor sealers!


It’s 2022, and traditional floor “wax” is no longer the best way to protect the floors in your property. You need to find a more advanced floor coating solution that can prevent damage to your floors, keep your maintenance costs down, and improve the appearance of your building. Read on to learn more about how to find the best floor coating for your needs, and get in touch with Neverstrip® Floor Coatings today!


Ceramic Porcelain Sealer

A high quality, commercial grade ceramic porcelain sealer has been hard to find. Not any more! NeverStrip Tile Seal™ is a high quality, commercial grade ceramic porcelain sealer. Apply Tile Seal onto ceramic, porcelain, quarry tile and brick. The top-rated resilient floor sealer has performed in schools, hospitals, office buildings, airports and demanding commercial buildings for more than four years. Performance of this ceramic porcelain sealer can last for years between re-coats. Also, removing the Tile Seal is not necessary in its normal life cycle. In addition, Tile Seal is easy to maintain with numerous commercially available cleaners. NeverStrip has its own specific Micron cleaners for Tile Seal. These cleaners are NeverStrip Micron Clean™ and NeverStrip Micron Restore™.


Improve wet porcelain traction with NeverStrip Tile Seal™ and NeverStrip Liquid Grip™. This Blog is about the application of these two NeverStrip products onto Italian Porcelain in a Tennessee Bank by J and G Flooring, near Knoxville TN. JandGFlooring@twlakes.net

Click Here to read about how to improve traction on wet stamped concrete using NeverStrip Liquid Grip.

Barry Gore and his big sister, Teresa Huffines, sat down with me to describe J and G Flooring’s recent project with NeverStrip Micron Products-NeverStrip Tile Seal™ and NeverStrip Liquid Grip™, respectively. The goal of the project was to improve traction on wet porcelain floors within this Tennessee bank facility.


Low cost tile grout restoration is achievable with NeverStrip Tile and NeverStrip Color Sealer™. This solution is a fast, inexpensive way to make an old tile and grout floor (porcelain, ceramic and brick) look new and significantly easier to maintain. Plus, you'll have less slippery floors that are shinier.


This tile and grout restoration system can be successfully used in any commercial environment with tile and grout flooring in restrooms, lobbies, locker rooms, showers, etc.


Sealing porcelain floors can improve traction and make the floors easier to clean and keep clean.


NeverStrip Floor Coatings has been approached multiple times in the past weeks by separate medical facilities regarding the inadequacies of conventional acrylic, cross-linked floor finish or wax. These facilities were both looking for floor care solutions to better protect their floors and for their floor finishes to better resist disinfectants and alcohol hand-sanitizers. The surgical center and medical center both were introduced to NeverStrip Authorized Dealers, who addressed the needs using NeverStrip Gloss™ and NeverStrip Satin™ high performance urethane coatings.

A Northern California Surgical Center contacted NeverStrip. The Facility Director said, “They must be doing something different with disinfectant cleaners because they are destroying our wax.” He said, “We need a better solution that will hold up against the disinfectant cleaner without increasing the time, labor and materials needed to maintain their floors.” He also said, “We want shiny floors, which will not require burnishing and stripping.” In short, he was looking for a comprehensive floor sealer that got the job done.


Sealing Ceramic

Summit Custom Coatings, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada has been sealing ceramic with multiple applications of NeverStrip Tile Seal on ceramic and/or porcelain flooring of public pool decks during the past two years. These facilities are busy public recreation centers with hundreds of thousands of annual guests.
